Saturday, October 15, 2011

Paw fetish

This is one out of my 5 cats. Mama Cat is my chubbiest cat out of my gang of furries. After she got spayed, she blew up a few good pounds since her surgery . I love chubby kitties! I've had Mama Cat for about a year and a half now. She came to me already pregnant and had the cutest batch of 4 kittens that looked nothing like her. I was able to find nice homes for all of them. Mama Cat had only one daughter whom I named Kewpie. Since then, I found out through Kewpies new owners that Kewpie got knocked up and had a litter of kittens and three of them came out looking just like Mama Cat! The babies look almost full Persian. Off white with gray ears and pure beautiful blue eyes.

Mama Cat only has 1 working eye. She is blind in her right eye.
Beautiful Blue Eyed Meow Meow

I tell Mama Cat often that I love her "pastellies". (Pastel Pink Paws)

Beignets from Lee's Sandwiches.  (Pronouced like "BEN NYAY?" The first time I had them there when they first started selling they were reaaaally good and crispy. This time they weren't up to par as my first experience. Will give it another try earlier in the day. Perhaps it was just old and cold by 9pm! 
Lee's Vanilla Cafe Sua Da

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